Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bruce Bartlett's new book

I'm no economist, but I'm curious to read the upcoming book (The New American Economy: The Failure Of Reaganomics And A New Way Forward) by Bruce Bartlett on the need for Supply Side Economics to take a hike. This coming from the guy who authored a 1981 book entitled Reaganomics: Supply-Side Economics in Action.

This lengthy post from Mr. Bartlett, laying out the skeletal reasons for his new book, is intriguing. I'd be more intrigued if I understood more of it. I'm getting there. In the meantime, I leave you with this tasty tidbit:

The supply-siders are to a large extent responsible for this mess, myself included. We opened Pandora's Box when we got the Republican Party to abandon the balanced budget as its signature economic policy and adopt tax cuts as its raison d'ĂȘtre. In particular, the idea that tax cuts will "starve the beast" and automatically shrink the size of government is extremely pernicious.