Thursday, March 6, 2008

The Left-Wing Looniness of Your Measured Humanitarian Peace Keeping Force

Sometime in 2004 I signed up for email updates from the Bush-Cheney Campaign. It was just to see whose candidate-to-supporter dialogue was more vacuous, Bush's or Kerry's. They were about even, but Bush got serious cred for including so many photos of him in a bomber jacket or flightsuit.

Anyways, since then I've had my name and email address sold or given to about fifty right-wing extremist organizations. They send me regular updates on threats to liberty from gays and terrorists across our great land. But an email I received today from struck me as particularly relevant to our debate on bringing the US military back under the control of the people.

Here's the email:

Dear GOPUSA Family of Activists!

Please find below a special message from They have some important information to share with you.

Keep up the fight,

Dear Friends,

I am outraged and you should be too.

Our troops are being forced to withdraw not from Iraq but from American cities and American college campuses.

The most recent example is the city council of Berkeley, California telling the United States Marine Corps Recruiters that they are 'uninvited and unwelcome intruders' in their city. They were actually trying to kick the U.S. Marines out of their city while giving special preferences to liberal protestors.

Please sign the petition and join me in telling liberal leaders that this treatment of American troops is an outrage.

I guess we shouldn't be shocked anymore by the Left. They can't seem to stop themselves from undermining our troops showing there utter complete disrespect for our Armed Services.

They try to hide it but they simply have nothing but contempt for our nation's military and the brave men and women who serve. Time after time, they show us just how much they distrust, dislike and outright despise our troops.

Senate Majority Leader called our troops failures and proclaimed that the 'war is lost.' Never wasting a chance to snatch defeat from the grasp of victory, Senator Reid ruled the surge a failed effort before a single additional soldier's boots had hit the ground.

On college campuses across the nation, including some of the most prestigious universities, ROTC students face a hostile anti-military environment. Many universities including Columbia, Harvard, Yale, and Standford have out right banned ROTC and force students to travel long distances to neighboring campuses for classes.

Sign our petition today and tell Berkeley, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and their liberal cohorts that we've had enough of their assaults on our troops.

It doesn't just show a lack of support for the troops but an passionate contempt for the men and woman overseas putting their lives on the line for our freedom and safety back here at home.

As a further insult to our men and women in uniform, the City Council encouraged residents of Berkeley to impede Marine recruiters attempting to go about their work, and awarded a reserved parking spot outside the Marine recruiting station to Code Pink, the extreme-left anti-war group.

The liberal City Council and Code Pink must not be allowed to disgrace our serving men and women.

It is not enough for liberals to slander courageous Americans as war criminals any more, they are turning hateful words into un-American action! The anti-war left is proving that they do not support the troops and in fact actively engage in anti-military behavior.

We must stand together with our military to prove that the majority of Americans disapprove of the Left's shameful behavior!

Sign our petition today and tell Berkeley, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and their liberal cohorts that we've had enough of their assaults on our troops.

Senator Jim DeMint has introduced the Semper Fi Act of 2008 in the United States Senate. The legislation would rescind over $2 million previously allocated to Berkeley. Congressman John Campbell (R-Cali.) has introduced a companion bill in the House.

Click here to condemn the City Council's actions and support the Semper Fi Act of 2008, which would revoke all federal funds allocated to Berkeley and transfer them to the Marine Corps budget!

These strong defenders of American values need your support in condemning Berkeley's City Council and supporting the Marines!

Sign our petition today and tell Berkeley, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, and their liberal cohorts that we've had enough of their assaults on our troops.

We need your help to send a message to Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, academia and the city of Berkeley! Liberals won't stop here. Rest assured, they have attempted to demean military recruiters before and they will continue to unless we take action!

Townhall needs your help to defend the honor of our troops in harms way and our honorable recruiters here at home.

Because the Left consistently denigrates the service of our armed forces, we need to make it clear to the Berkeley left-wingers that we support and admire the brave men and women serving our nation and respect their contribution to the cause of defending and spreading freedom!

Please sign our petition today and tell the Left that we've had enough of their disgusting assaults on our troops.


Jonathan Garthwaite


  1. Those pictures were driving me nuts so I went in and deleted them. I hope you don't mind, Chris.

  2. Dude the pictures were the best part!
    That EAGLE?!?!

  3. I would also like to note that given I was posting on the blog and in Berlin at the time, I had nothing to do with this:

  4. Widening the columns on your blog would do wonders for advancing our cause as well.

  5. Sure would. Shame I have no idea how to do that.

  6. I think Blogspot is not formattable with respect to columns. Every one i've seen has thesame basic layout
