Tuesday, May 20, 2008

A Ban on Cluster Bombs

Since this is sort of my own pet issue and future career, I thought I would draw the blogggg's attention to the fact that representatives from many of the world's governments are now meeting in Dublin to adopt a ban on cluster munitions.

For an interesting video on the subject, check out this link:

For more-than-necessary details on the status of the convention and the primary documents, click here:

And to find out which countries are part of the minority who refuse to participate and/or have come out strongly against banning cluster bombs, just look out your window (if you live in the US, Israel, Russia, China, India, or Pakistan).


  1. Ha. We're in good company, as ever. Gotta have those cluster bombs. Just got to. We should push for the reintroduction of mustard gas while we're at it. At least that would give our victims a hint of the delicious taste of mustard before their skin breaks out in massive, weeping lesions.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with this ban. And incidentally, a ban on cluster bombs might also have an impact in limiting future cluster f$%#s like ____ (insert your armed conflict here).
