Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Who Is the Real Reverend Klein?

This guy has a nice take on the FagTax. His overview of the lack of assertiveness on the part of the left in tax policy is interesting as well.

But what you guys really need to read is his early take on Obama's health care plan. I think he is highly correct.


  1. Ok so the Obama plan sounds like a rip-off.

    What about Holliday Rolled Ham Wonton not getting the VP on the B.A. Baracas ticket but instead being appointed as his Health Care Czar and being given the opportunity to realize what she started in the nineties?

  2. Not the worst idea I've ever heard. Again, not to be a dick, but Spiced Cured Ham's plan isn't all that cool either. But I am slightly more amenable to the idea that perhaps her plan is the best we could do at the moment. At least I can't blame her for being scarred from the first go around.
