Thursday, March 13, 2008

Executive Pay

Check out this report:

Some highlights:

The average pay of Fortune 500 CEOs ($10.8 million, based on a survey of 386 companies) is 364 times the pay of the average American worker. This ratio was as high as 525 in 2000 during the high-tech boom but was "only" 107 in 1990.

The average pay of the 20 highest paid private equity and hedge fund managers ($657.5 million) is 22,255 times the pay of the average worker.

Over the past decade, inflation-adjusted CEO pay has increased 45%, while inflation-adjusted average worker pay grew just 7% and the hourly minimum wage declined in real value by 7%.

The average pay of the 20 highest paid American CEOs ($36.4 million) is almost 3 times the average pay of the 20 highest paid European CEOs ($12.5 million).

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